Friday, August 27, 2010

One Day In Istanbul - Grand Bazaar

Hello everyone! Let’s start off with the historical places to go as a tourist in Istanbul. Have you ever heard of the Grand Bazaar? If you would ask me of what to do or where to go in Istanbul as a tourist, then I would definitely suggest you to visit there. The Grand Bazaar is very popular all around the world, and that place is definitely so much fun to shop! The bazaar consists of thousands of shops, it is very big and that place is the first place that tourists like to choose when they visit Istanbul. When you are in the bazaar, you can find all cultural, artistic things of the Turkish culture, such as Turkish carpets, accessorizes, antiques, pipes, hookahs, and all sorts of other things. Also, there are many nice, cultural restaurants in and around there that you can try, and it is so much fun to go there at night for dinner, because while you eat, violin players come around you and they start to sing Turkish songs, and make you happy. All the foods are delicious of course. Imagine a day that you are shopping in the day, getting to know Turkish culture, and eating in a nice restaurant, where they play with violins and sing you Turkish songs! Fun, isn’t it? That would be one of your plans if you ever like to visit Istanbul one day. I miss Istanbul already! :)

1 comment:

  1. I must say that I have enjoyed reading your blog. I need even new a specific name of a city or place in Turkey. Maybe after I graduate I treat my self to a trip to Istanbul!! Great Job.
